Today we learned that the town will be loosing internet for the week end. The only places that will have internet are the schools, which really is no help since they will be locked for the duration of that time. This means blogging for Sarah and I might not occur over the next few days. I think the both of us are going into a bit of culture shock. I guess this shows how dependent society has become on technology and will have a valuable lesson at the end, or so I'm told. However, I'd prefer to keep the internet. I think it would be different if I were at home, but being up here I'd like to be able to say in contact.
Today was writing day in the ESL classroom. Sometimes it can be like pulling teeth, but that is the case in most places. I have noticed improvement in their writing even during the short time I have been here. Although still struggling with English, it is amazing how quickly these children are learning. Expectations here are a lot lower for each grade. For example, grades twos are expected to write one good sized sentence. At home, my previous grade two classroom would be expected to write five to six sentences or more. This is understandable though considering it is their second language and sometimes I find myself having to remember this.
Today it hit me that in a little more than a week I am going to be leaving these kids. Yes I love the scenery, the way of life and the people, but the kids are going to be hard to say good bye too. It's amazing how much you can care for these kids after such a short period of time. I am excited to go home, but I am not looking forward to next Friday. It is going to be much harder than I anticipated.
Our last week end is quickly arriving and Sarah and I have quite a few things remaining on our Northern bucket list. We want to go sledding, to flow-edge, the market, souvenir shopping, on a ski-doo ride and to the dump. Yes the dump, don't judge us! We hope to accomplish them all this weekend. When the internet returns on Sunday evening or Monday I will be sure to write a lengthy blog about our adventures.
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