Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dance Dance

Yesterday I experienced a brawl in my classroom. I have seen them take place on the playground, but never during instruction time. Thankfully Kate was still in the classroom because it took the two of us to break it up. Unlike the South when you tell the kids it is "enough" or to "break it up" they do not stop. You literally have to grab the kids and physically pull them apart, which is a new concept to me. A few punches made contact with me during the process. Keep in mind these two boys are ten. This is a good illustration of underlying issues within the community at work. Also, tempers seem to be flaring quite easily these days because the sun is staying out longer and quickly approaching 24 hours of sunlight. Therefore children are getting less and less sleep. A large majority are only getting two hours a night.

Today I got off school early. It was only half a day because the furnaces are broken. Under the health and safety regulations it was too cold to work and have the children attend classes. Everyone was going around with their coats on shivering. When the announcement came on informing the teachers and students of this I was surprised at how calm the students were. If that were down South the building would have been filled with chaos and cheers. The children here were silent and carried on with their work like it was no big deal. Although it is nice to have an afternoon off, I am sad that it is time I am unable to spend with my students. They better have it fixed by tomorrow because if not I will go knocking from door to door to say good bye to my kids.

The rest of today will be spent getting some last minute things done before my departure because tomorrow is a busy day. My kids discovered I am a dance teacher and want some lessons and the staff at Ulaajuk is having a celebration for me after school filled with food and traditional games. It is going to be a fun day, but I am dreading saying good bye to my kids. I tear up just thinking of it.

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