Last night Sarah and I were looking out the window and noticed our neighbors tying a dead seal onto the back of their ski-doo. Needless to say this was the highlight of our evening. We wanted to go out and see it, but before we had the chance they were headed out onto the ice to feed it to their dog team. Pat and Dave were amused by our excitement and hooked us up with binoculars to watch this. After a few minutes are staring out the window with the binoculars and wondering why it all looked further away Pat kindly pointed out I was holding the binoculars backwards. I thought they weren't working. I know you all are not surprised by this. Such things are quite common for me. Sarah and I plan to stalk our neighbors so that next time they have a seal to bring to the dogs we can see it up close and try and tag along. According to our hosts, Pat and Dave, this happens every three to two days.
Today at school I taught the whole day. As a congratulations for my first full day of teaching up north my teacher gave me a hand crafted key chain by a local that she had purchased for me. It is a pair of boots (kamiks) make of seal skin and fur. It is absolutely beautiful and I thought it was a rather kind and thoughtful gesture. In all, the day went well and the lessons seemed well recepted.
Sounds like you're having an amazing time! I'm checking beck to read your blog every day :). I told my Grade 6's about how your kids were reading "Ramona and Beezus" and "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" just like they are and they thought that was pretty cool. Can't wait to read more!